

Monday August 26, 2013 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: CHAIR/VICE-CHAIR(S) We are seeking candidates to serve as chair or vice-chair(s) on this joint chapter in 2014. Self-nominations are encouraged. Our joint chapter is constituted of IEEE members of the Society on Social Implications of Technology, members of the Professional Communications Society and members of societies that are […]  Full Article

Slides available: Complex project management: a systems thinking approach (Bobyn, Feb. 6, 2013)

Sunday August 25, 2013 COMPLEX PROJECT MANAGEMENT: A SYSTEMS THINKING APPROACH Jointly organized by IEEE Ottawa AICN and TMC/PCS/SSIT Joint Chapter Overview Reductionism, when used in project management, allows for most complex projects to be tackled as sequences of tasks and milestones subject to prioritization and concurrency. Beyond a level of complexity, a “systems thinking” […]  Full Article

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