Tuesday May 28, 2013


Jointly organized by IEEE Ottawa AICN; TMC/PCS/SSIT Joint Chapter and Photonics Chapter


Ellen Grove is an Agile coach who helps teams to do better work by coaching them to create the circumstances in which they can work most productively and effectively. Her Agile coaching practice is founded in over 15 years experience leading software testing, development, and implementation teams in global enterprises; a passion for exploratory software testing and user-centered design; and a background in community organization. Ellen uses team-building and facilitation approaches to support the transition to collaborative Agile work practices at the team, managerial, and corporate levels. She has also conquered the challenges of extending Scrum roll-outs to off-shore development partners and multi-site project teams for large enterprise and public sector clients. Ellen presents frequently at Agile conferences: in 2012-2013 , the list includes San Francisco Agile 2012, Agile Open NYC 2012, Agile Tour Montreal and Ottawa 2012, Agile Games 2013. In addition to holding an Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science degree from McMaster University, Ellen is a Certified Scrum Master, an Open Space facilitator, and a StrategicPlay® certified facilitator in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods.

 Date & Time

Tuesday May 28, 2013

6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


6:30pm networking (30 min)

7:00pm presentation and Q/A (60 min)

8:00pm networking (30 min)

 Event Location

Algonquin College, Building T, Room T.129: 1385 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa (Algoquin Woodroof campus map)


No fee after 5 p.m. at the Parking Lots 8 & 9. Please respect restricted areas.


Room size is limited and registration is on a first come basis; send an e-mail to both: Wahib Thabet, chapter TMC vice-chair) and Bhagvat Joshi, (AICN chapter chair).

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